Monday, September 20, 2010


After last week, I think my methodology is beginning to shift a bit. While I think examining precedents will be good for me in the long run, I think my focus needs to shift to the concept of phasing, this concept of phasing and how it directly relates to customization.

How does housing grow?

How can housing be customized?

How can temporary housing become permanent?

How can temporary housing become better than traditional housing?

I think these questions are at the heart of my thesis, and my methodology. I think the exploration of these questions is pivotal in my explorations, thus I think that answering these questions will take the bulk of my time. I also think that it will be difficult to say as to how I will do that. I think that it is embedded in research, design, and exploration.

So, when looking at my previous methodology, I think it still applies, but the scales need to be changed. The bulk of the time in the next two semesters will be exploring these questions through several different media.

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